Wild Kratts Fanon Wiki

When Martin and Chris dive into the coral reef and see a cuttlefish catch Hermit crabs and camouflaging on the coral to get away from a tiger shark. their secrets and info, until Zac sees Martin and Chris with Presto the Cuttlefish and thinks he can use the Cuttlefish. So it is up to Martin and Chris to use Cuttlefish powers and even make a new tiger shark pal who can teach Zac a lesson.

Sepia común (Sepia officinalis),cuttlefish1

Presto 1

Characters: Martin, Chris, Aviva, Koki, Jimmy Z, Zach

Animals: Common Cuttlefish, Tiger Shark, Hermit Crabs

Animal Names: Presto the Cuttlefish, Tigre the tiger shark

Rarely Seen Wildlife Moment: A cuttlefish making it's skin look like the environment.
